Join your video meetings from the coolest places of a galaxy far, far away, like the Millenium Falcon, the Deathstar, Tatooine, Hoth, and more!
As a kid I dreamed of getting into dogfights with an X-wing, hanging out in space cantinas, and studying in the Jedi temple. I wanted to explore the world like Luke Skywalker, be as cool as Han Solo, and as wise as Yoda.
In simple terms: I’ve been in love with Star Wars for as long as I can remember.
Showing and sharing that love in Zoom calls is a must. You may be forced into remote work right now, you may choose the remote option yourself, or you might just want to spice up your social calls.
What better way is there, than adding a Star Wars cantina background? By the way we all know, that Han shot first.
So allow me to present you with this bouquet of Star Wars Zoom backgrounds as one Star Wars fan to another.
I’m trying to cover a lot of grounds, so bear with me. I divided up the Zoom backgrounds by trilogies, and added in a few extra for the Star Wars Story movies and The Mandalorian series. Basically whichever picture you fell in love with, you’ll find the iconic places that’ll make you the coolest nerd in the call.
To use set up your Star Wars Zoom background all you have to do is…
After starting or joining a meeting, see the lower left corner and click on the up arrow next to the video sign.
Click "Choose Virtual Background..." from the menu.
In the "Choose Virtual Background" block, click the + sign to add your background. And tick the "I have a green screen" checkbox.
Pro tip: if you don't have a green screen then try to find a place with as simple background as possible - a white wall usually does the trick.